Feel like Normal Sticks: Yes, the sticks (14.5 cm long, grip width like 5a wooden sticks) are much lighter than normal wooden sticks, but thanks to the shock-resistant polycarbonate shaft and the Dual Loop Reflex Tip you get a good rebound effect from the drum stick. 16th notes are no problem. Silent sticks allow for accurate drumming technique and low volume that will wow your band members.
Resemble Standard Sticks: The issue with alternative sticks designed to lower volume, like wooden rods, is that they produce a sound that differs from that of a typical stick. Adoro Silent Sticks provide a clear tone on both drums and cymbals. They're an excellent addition to your collection of drum gear.
For Acoustic Band Settings: Most drum sets are designed for loud and large amplified band settings. But if you're playing in a church or with a jazz band with unamplified instruments, the drummer needs to play at a low volume so as not to drown out the other instruments. No more drum cage for you.
Low Volume: Are your neighbors annoyed when playing on the practice drum pad, electric drum, or normal drumset? Silent Sticks reduce the volume of the drums by -4 to -9 dB compared to a normal drum stick, which is a reduction of about 80%. If you practice on an e drum kit or drup pad, you will also produce less "thwack".